Dear Men: Proverbs 31 is Actually for YOU

Dear Men: Proverbs 31 is Actually for YOU

The best way to interpret Proverbs 31 for my generation is to speak directly to the guys! As a Christian woman and writer, it’s so important to me to seek God’s truth above all worldly influence in order to strip away the noise and get to the heart of true love, so here it is…

Marriage and relationships are suffering so much right now because, well… men and women seem to be at odds with one other… but let’s use God’s words to help us start to construct an adjoining door between us, and meet in the middle somewhere for coffee. Because dudes: You’re important. We need you. And we love you.

Proverbs 31 was never meant to be a guidebook for women to follow in order to become “the perfect wife,” rather it was meant to inspire men to seek out a virtuous woman to build a life with. This woman is a fictional character in the Bible being described by a mother to her son. She is saying: “Son, this is the type of woman you should aim to find, because you are worth God’s best.” No one is perfect, and certainly we all need to remember that the description of the Proverbs 31 woman is essentially “perfection,” but my goal is to write this article to remind all the Adams out there: You are worth the Eve who God made for you. Do not give up on her; she is God’s gift to YOU.

True love is not a Hallmark movie, it is an intentional choice that we all need to make every single day. The epic love story that we’re all pining for doesn’t end with, “they lived happily ever after,” in fact, the story only just begins when we choose to come together. So, let’s get into P31 as a team, and see what we can build… <3

***Check back soon for the full article!***

Written by: Michelle TK