꧁ Written by Michelle TK How to Reveal God’s Plan for Your Life

How to Reveal God’s Plan for Your Life

Sometimes I tell satan, “You’re just too evil to hide.” Meaning, as you grow in your walk with God, you start to become highly skilled at detecting attacks against you. You’ll see them coming in advance because they’re just too “scheme-y,” if you know what I mean. In terms of evil plotting, here’s one of …

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꧁ Written by Michelle TK Let God

Let God

The “Let Them” theory is currently blowing through social media like a hurricane, so I thought I’d toss in my opinion on it. If you’re unaware of what this theory is, I’ll give you an overview… It’s a long, emotional piece of advice reminding people to let go of the pain and trauma inflicted by …

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꧁ Written by Michelle TK “I Am Healed”

“I Am Healed”

Our whole lives are a healing journey, so I wouldn’t say we’re ever really “done.” But personally I would rather eat glass than see one more post on social media that focuses on the “T word.” At this point, most of us have already suffered through it and the worst is most likely over… but …

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꧁ Written by Michelle TK God Doesn’t “Test” Us—He Tries the Reins. Understanding Jeremiah 17:10

God Doesn’t “Test” Us—He Tries the Reins. Understanding Jeremiah 17:10

Despite popular stereotypes, I’m at your service to clarify and break down a common negative misconception of God: the connotation that we attribute to the word “TEST,” when applied to Christianity. Let’s first look at why our culture has cultivated a negative vibe around the word “test,” then properly translate the KJV Bible verse, and …

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꧁ Written by Michelle TK The 3 Phases of the Harvest

The 3 Phases of the Harvest

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” -Hebrews 12:11 When we say to God, “I’m ready,” what we’re really saying is, “I’m worth more than this.” Asking God to change our lives often begins …

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꧁ Written by Michelle TK The Love of A Father

The Love of A Father

When I was 8 years old, my family was downtown browsing the shops one Saturday afternoon, when I said to my dad, “I have to go to the bathroom… do you know where I can go?” He looked around, pointed to a nearby restaurant and said, “Go in there and ask if you can use …

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꧁ Written by Michelle TK How God’s Peace Heals Deceitful Hearts: Jeremiah vs. Colossians

How God’s Peace Heals Deceitful Hearts: Jeremiah vs. Colossians

There is an ongoing conversation about the heart vs. the mind, and for a good reason. Let’s discuss this by comparing two Bible scriptures, and looking at how both are true and equally important in our walk with God. JEREMIAH: 9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? 10 I …

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꧁ Written by Michelle TK The Maker and His Dolls

The Maker and His Dolls

In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. Then God made a He and a She to live together in the world that was created for them. He was made from the dust, and She was then made from the bones of Him. The design was for Her to be His perfect, complimentary …

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꧁ Written by Michelle TK Fall Like Sand… From Your Hands Into His

Fall Like Sand… From Your Hands Into His

Do you feel that? That earthquake deep inside your soul… It rattles your ribcage and inflates your lungs. It’s electricity… it shocks your heart into a knowing, into a clarity, into a new day. That moment when you can feel each atom of your body becoming… Becoming a galaxy, a wave of energy, a beat… …

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꧁ Written by Michelle TK Why You’re Not Afraid of Failure, But of Results (A War in the Mind)

Why You’re Not Afraid of Failure, But of Results (A War in the Mind)

Most of us have heard the phrase, “You’re not afraid of failure, you’re afraid of success,” but there’s something that can happen to us at the midpoint that we don’t talk about often. One would conclude that if results are happening, success is inevitably right around the bend; however, “if this, then that” thinking can …

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