3 Ways to Stay Vigilant Against Enemy Attacks
Christians talk a lot about being blessed, and while that’s great, we can’t forget to remain on guard from attacks even when (especially when) blessings are coming our way. Because the truth is, it’s easy to be blind-sided by the enemy while we’re off prancing through blessings like a spiritual gazelle, layering ourselves with feel good Bible verses, positive quotes, and funny memes.
The enemy is a master at devising tailored plans to trick us into back-slides, take-downs, and total destruction. What’s your Achilles heel? Isolation, drinking, spending, re-living your past traumas over and over again? Well, it doesn’t matter really, because the point is to scream it into your brain as loud as possible until the static of pain causes you to become numb and deaf. How can you hear God’s Word when you’re in such a state? You can’t. That’s all it takes to throw you off— one faint whisper.
“Repeat it…
Remember how much it hurt?
Go back to that day…
Open a beer… Spend some money… Order some food… Don’t text your friends back…
Close the curtains…
Accept what is…
Who were you kidding? You tried your best and it didn’t pan out… You know who you are…”
Sound familiar? It’s not real. Smoke and mirrors can’t overcome truth; you are in control of your mind. Focus on WHAT IS, and take back the night! You’re not a prisoner of this attack.

Stop everything.
Be still.
Breathe in.
Do it again.
You are stepping into your own power, and that means you wear the armor of God, and of all your ancestors before you who protect you from the spirit realm. Count your blessings, but practice spotting enemy tactics and soon you will be able to see them coming. But how?
? ONE: Know that your weaknesses will be used against you:
Don’t act tough; we all have weaknesses. Get to know your soft spots and protect them with vigor!
? TWO: Prepare yourself for both the majorly obvious, and the sneakily subtle:
Sometimes an attack looks familiar, but we still get tempted to fall for it. Other times, it’s a simple splinter in your soul that you almost don’t even feel until it becomes sore, infected, and creates illness throughout your whole being. Be cautious!
? THREE: Wear God’s armor at all times, and ask for protection:
A warrior doesn’t need a sword, he guards with this heart: morality, justice, honor, loyalty, love. The greatest warrior isn’t great because he’s the strongest, but because he’s the most righteous.
“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edge sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” – Hebrews 4:12
“Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness.” – Ephesians 6:14
“He put on righteousness as a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation on his head; he put on garments of vengeance for clothing, and wrapped himself in seal as a cloak.” – Isaiah 59:17
To fear no man means that you also do not fear yourself, nor do demons have any real power over you. What makes a warrior fearless? Trusting in himself. He trusts his weapons because he forged them. He trusts his instincts because he has seen what happens when he doesn’t follow them. Most of all, he trusts his training because it came from above. You got this because God’s got you.
Written by: Michelle TK