“The Nothing” – Aka, The NeverEnding Story of Quarantine
“Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer.” – Romans 12:12
Sometimes I feel mentally and emotionally trapped in between worlds and unable to clear my mind. In terms of writing, it’s called “writer’s block,” however, this experience of feeling stagnate happens to everyone from time to time. As a writer, in order to be freed from this place, I always ask myself this question: What would I write if no one was looking? It might sound silly, but when I ask myself this, it forces me to let the audience fall away so that it’s just me and my voice on a stage facing empty seats. No one is there. What do I want to say?
What I’m describing is really the idea of journaling. Do people still keep journals? I think we should all start to, especially during such a volatile and uncertain time. The freedom of the performance is that no one is watching. In today’s world, it’s common to feel like we are under constant observation and judgement, and this can sometimes shape the things we say and do. But let’s talk about the Nothing, because it’s certainly something…
In the beloved 80’s classic, The NeverEnding Story, the Nothing is a darkness that absorbs everything it touches… also known as the pandemic of 2020, which just got even darker due to daylight saving time. With this, the seasonal depression and heightened anxiety switches just got flipped on for a lot of people. We’re also facing cold weather challenges for social distancing and wondering how Thanksgiving and Christmas are going to look this year. So, what’s the plan? How are we going to get through this winter? Vision boards, recipes, working out, family activities, binge watching tv, house reno’s, hiding in bed and staring at the ceiling, slowly letting the Nothing take us? I don’t know about you, but I feel this little tickle of panic starting to grip my throat… and I’m not sure if it’s anxiety or the covid, but I’d like to make a plan before I get so delusional that I start to watch the skies for Falkor to swoop down and carry me off to Oz. (We’re combining fantasies here, people. Anything to take my mind off of impending winter. Plus, I’m 4’9 ½” so none of the lollipop kids would even notice that I’ve moved in… and obviously Falkor can fly us all to the castle for curb-side pickup so we can skip the yellow brick road of mind games. What’s YOUR plan? ?)
Seriously, though… check on your friends and family, and check on yourself. Just because someone is smiling on social media doesn’t mean they’re okay, and that goes for you too. It’s not too late to make a plan for this winter, and I think a great place to start is getting your feelings out with no audience. Use your smart phone, computer, whiteboard or an actual journal, but make a plan. When you start to panic, give yourself a moment to collect your thoughts and emotions. Take off your mask, face the darkness of cold weather season, a global pandemic, and for many, complete isolation, and stop. The reality is that it’s about to get colder and darker so…
No one is looking—
What do you want to say?
Say it.
How do you feel?
Journal it.
Get it off your chest.
What are your goals for winter?
How can you stay positive, productive, and healthy?
Write it all down—
For no one, but YOU.
Give it to God, and He will shine a light in the darkness.
We can get through this and emerge out of the Nothing into a beautiful, warm and lovely spring 2021. Have hope that we will see the sun again, smell BBQ’s happening, and hear the sound of kiddos splashing in the pools. Take a deep breath, make a plan, and do the best you can. 2021 is going to feel like the best summer we’ve ever had after all of this. I’m looking forward to it, and so should you!
Written by: Michelle TK