Learn the Language of God and Train Others for Battle
God never speaks about satan in the Bible as being powerless here on Earth, nor does He minimize the capacity for evil to grip our lives. In fact, God refers to satan as the “prince of the world.” That’s a grand title, and for a reason. While in Heaven, the enemy is nothing more than a coward who betrayed God due to his own arrogant lust of self and thirst for power, on earth, he is the ruler of all mankind. His ultimate objective is to separate us from God in every way possible, but his greatest weakness is that the war he wages on us is what brings us closer to God. How do we become free from satan’s warfare and enter into a state of God’s healing and peace? We learn the Holy language of God’s word through battling the enemy, and then we train others into becoming love warriors. As for me, I have internal peace, but I don’t float around in a ball of light—I have my boots in the grit. I’m not spreading the gospel through fairy tales, but through a prophetic book that serves as a training guide for salvation.
I’m not an angel—I’m a soldier—and I will see my mission through.
God’s words are a language that not everyone has learned yet, and one that many Christians aren’t fluent in either. When we connect with God and align our lives with His will, the Holy Spirit dwells within us. The Holy Spirit is not a thing, it’s a Him; it’s God. The Spirit is how we learn to interpret Biblical texts, discern between good and evil, and recognize the difference between God’s voice and satan’s voice. When it comes to love, we’re either allowing God’s words to define it or we’re following what the world says love is; this is why so many relationships and families are in need of repairing, and why there needs to be healing between men and women. But this is not a pain to dwell on, only to recognize and then to begin working on with God’s help. He will mend all wounds and restore harmony to all of our relationships by teaching us what love is; how to both give it and to receive it unconditionally. His love is the answer in every situation.
I urge you to meditate on this simple concept in order to more clearly understand the language of the Spirit: All things in this world come down to love and hate, good and evil, light and dark. There is no in between. When you’re in a situation with someone, you are both either acting and speaking with love (from God) or with hatred (from satan.) All positive things come from God and all negative things come from the enemy. In EVERY situation that you find yourself in, you can choose to respond with love, or with anti-love.
Any singular thought in your mind or feeling in your heart that is NOT love-based is NOT from God. (Read that again.)
Once we accept God into our hearts, we become Spirit-led. The Bible tells us that we will be able to fellowship with other Christians because we will KNOW THEM. Christians all speak the language of God. We feel the same inside. Our minds are connected with one another. We live similar lives. Whether we experience Christian-based music, artwork, poetry, preaching, praying, etc., we can hear the same messages being delivered over and over again. Just as we can recognize God’s voice coming through our brothers and sisters in Christ, we can also recognize the enemy coming through loud and clear. The more we understand God’s language of love, the more plainly we can identify satan’s language of hatred. Try not to look at his attacks on your life as having power because once you’re speaking God’s language, something beautiful happens… battling the enemy actually teaches us what God’s love is here on earth. How? Because according to the simple concept that all things either stem from love or from hate, when someone acts badly toward us, we can clearly see that it’s coming from a place of unhealed pain or anger: feelings not from God, and that we should not take personally. (When someone is hurting me, I’m not upset with them, rather I’m wondering what kind of demons they’re battling inside that would cause the bad behavior.)
But these experiences shouldn’t hurt us! Instead, we learn to recognize the truth behind the transgressions and we counter them with God’s love. These situations are our training ground to exercise patience, understanding, empathy, and forgiveness. God’s peace lives within us once we’re filled with the Spirit, so these trials actually help us. The wisdom gained by practicing God’s love is an important step in our healing process, as we can then go back through the history of those who wronged us and begin to DECONSTRUCT the connection between their wrong doings and US. The result is that we learn to forgive those who hurt us out of their own unhealed pain, and allow the wounds that were inflicted on us to finally heal. Going forward with this type of healing will then allow us to remain balanced and peaceful in new situations that arise. How could we be mad at someone who is hurting? How could we retaliate against a hurting person? The short of it is… we become better people overall once we’re speaking and living God’s language. Now what?
We teach others the language of love, wisdom, healing, and peace, and the most important people who need to learn it are our children.
Our littles are nothing more than unevolved versions of us and we’re just bigger versions of them. God sees all of us as His children which is why He speaks using illustrations and stories. Our kids have so much to learn in this life and we are their guides. It’s not enough to just tell them who God is, or to teach them manners; WE need to be their examples. The gifts that God blesses us with are meant to be shared and given away. Kids are little adults who will mostly remember the gifts we give them of love, support, kindness, encouragement, and advice. A lot of parents focus on pouring the things they “never had” into their kids, not realizing that their best gift is being a role model. When they SEE us demonstrate good manners, they will use them too and learn kindness and respect. When they SEE us forgive someone who doesn’t deserve it, they will learn how to forgive and how to release anger. When they SEE us remain patient and calm in high stress situations, they will grow up to be adults who don’t yell or use force. When they SEE us reach out to those in need, they will learn compassion and empathy. When they SEE us loving ourselves and being proud and confident in who God made us to be, they will look in the mirror and see themselves the same way. The greatest gift we can give to our children and to everyone is to teach them the language of God through embodying what it looks like to live and lead by His words.
Parents: don’t be too hard on yourselves, or allow the enemy to make you feel inadequate. Invite God into your home and let Him mold you into the best role model you can be. Allow Him to be the true head of your household and He will bless each step of the journey. Spirit-led Christians will not fail in any area of life because God’s plans are always victorious!
Recall John Chapter 5: 2-9, the story of the man who was healed at the Pool of Bethesda: When Jesus saw that the afflicted man was not going into the water, (because no one was helping him in) He asked the man a specific question: “Do you not want to be healed?” The reality is that this man did not need a person to assist him, he only needed Jesus. He did not need to touch the water, he only needed Jesus. We only need to WANT God to heal us and it’s done. When we are healed, we become new creations filled with the light of the Holy Spirit, and then we can hear God’s voice… we will live by it, love through it, and train others to be fluent in His Holy language of love. Remember: battles aren’t won with swords—but with words—and God gets the final say…
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. -Ephesians 6: 10-18
Written by: Michelle TK

Dear Lord:
I know that the best ME will be molded through YOU.
I’m tired of trying to get by on my own…
Please take the lead so that I can live the beautiful life You designed for me, and so I can be the best mentor for my children, family and friends.
Thank you for being MY example and never leaving my side as I continue to learn, grow and heal.