Happy Birthday, Jesus
Dear Heavenly Father,
Today, we thank you for showing us what love truly is. For replacing our broken hearts of stone with your divine light, and making us new.
For walking among us as a man who represented the choice of love. Thank you for renewing our minds with such great wisdom; that love is not a feeling, but a way of life that we choose to embody in our daily actions.
Without Jesus to define love, we are orphans wandering through a cold and dark world. But you have lit the way for us with the warmth of your Spirit, which dwells richly within us.
Today, a baby was born in a simple manger, wrapped in strips of cloth, and gently laid in a basket of straw. He came into the world with humble beginnings, but would leave the Savior of all mankind.
Thank you, God for Jesus. Through Him, we are set free, and we shall one day return home to You, our Father.
Written by: Michelle TK
“We’re good at keeping tabs on ourselves. But that kind of list-keeping isn’t love. God’s love burns our lists to the ground. His love looks at everything we are and everything we’ve done and chooses to purposefully love us through it all. Because nothing can disqualify us from how Jesus loves us.” ~Lisa-Jo Baker
Love consists in this: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. ~ I John 4:10