Pastries, Not Profanities

Last night, on my drive home from work, I was talking to God out loud in my car about an important issue… the way men speak to women. I was a little fired up because I had recently seen a post that a lady shared of texts that were sent to her by a guy who “liked” her, then quickly became verbally abusive with her for being uninterested in dating him. Most of the texts were derogatory, belittling, curse words that degraded her character and attacked her choices. As I was telling God that no woman should ever tolerate such low-class behavior, my phone went off with the text message above from a special guy, and my heart lit up! Seeing that sweet message on my phone background of me and Jesus reminded me of this…
Ladies: A righteous, honorable man would never disrespect or harm a woman verbally, physically, or emotionally… and there are still good guys out there proving that every day! There is also no better form of self-love than leaning into God to better understand our true worth and value. Jesus was not only the personified representation of how to treat others correctly, but through His sacrifice on the cross, we learn how fearfully and wonderfully He made all of us. God loves us so much that He was willing to demonstrate this through death and resurrection. If we are that important to Him, then we are worth being treated like the rare rubies the Bible tells us we are! Put God first. Walk the path He has before you, and He will protect you from the wrong people and situations.
Do ya’ll remember your parents telling you if you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all? “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.” -Ephesians 4:29. And men: You also deserve to be treated with respect and kindness from a virtuous, high-quality woman! “She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.” -Proverbs 31:26
Take this lesson and find yourself a partner who calls you PASTRIES, not profanities.
Written by: Michelle TK