How to Reveal God’s Plan for Your Life

How to Reveal God’s Plan for Your Life

Sometimes I tell satan, “You’re just too evil to hide.” Meaning, as you grow in your walk with God, you start to become highly skilled at detecting attacks against you. You’ll see them coming in advance because they’re just too “scheme-y,” if you know what I mean. In terms of evil plotting, here’s one of Lucille’s greatest warfare strategies against us…

If you’re not sure what God is calling you to do in your life, it will be the ONE area that you struggle with the most. The enemy will devote himself to tearing you away from your mission your entire life, starting in childhood. It will be one thing after another to stop you from seeing God’s plan. Like this…

>> If you’re meant to be a public speaker, your life experiences will cause you to fear large crowds or to get severe anxiety at the thought of being the center of attention.

>> If you’re meant to start a business, your life experiences will continually reinforce the belief that you’re not smart enough or driven enough to ever be successful in business.

>> If you’re meant to be in a divine union, your life experiences will be laden with failed relationships, heart-breaks, and betrayal, causing you to close your heart off to love and relationships.

>> If you’re meant to be a creative artist, your life experiences will bring you to rejection after rejection from publishers or labels, making you feel like giving up altogether.

The best way to reveal God’s plan for your life is by determining which area(s) of yourself this world has crushed you in the hardest. Where did the enemy do the most damage? Confidence? Intelligence? Love? Will power? Which things have your life experiences caused you to FEAR the most? Which ones have HURT you the most?

Identify these wounded areas and ask God to help you heal them. I can promise you this… Your path is on the other side. Nothing angers the devil more than when we figure out his schemes and start taking action to do a course correction. Whatever it is that this world made you look away from is the exact thing God wants you to walk toward. You can do it— I believe in you.

Pray With Me:

Dear Lord,
I know you have a good plan for my life. Please remove all the blocks and distractions that have been in my way.
Please lift the clouds off of the path forward, and shine your light of truth and clarity on where you want me to go.
I surrender fully to your will and I trust you. Today, I’m ready to see what you have for me.
I’m ready to take that first step with you.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

With Love, Michelle