Truths About the Ascension Journey
Myth: God will remove people from your life.
>> Truth: God will reveal certain truths to you about people and you will no longer want them in your life. It will be your choice.
Myth: God will tempt you.
>> Truth: God will test you, but never tempt you.
Myth: You will only attract your “soul tribe.”
>> Truth: You will only attract those who are meant to be on your path. Not all are meant to stay. Not all are friend, but foe.
Myth: Only others on an ascension journey will recognize your light.
>> Truth: Demons will be the first to see your light, not other light workers.
Myth: You will gain power and gifts.
>> Truth: You will be given power and gifts from God only when He trusts that you will wield them justly.
Myth: You are a healer.
>> Truth: God is the healer. You are a human vessel.
Myth: Isolation is the path to ascension.
>> Truth: Isolation is temporary. You will emerge in Divine timing.
Myth: People will not like you.
>> Truth: People will not like what they see in you that they struggle to manifest within themselves. You’re not meant to take this personally.
Myth: You are a “chosen one.”
>> Truth: God chooses ALL of us. But only some of us will choose Him back.
Myth: God gives.
>> Truth: He also takes away. Be wise in your conduct. Ego is the pathway to descension.
Myth: Leaders create followers.
>> Truth: Authentic leaders create other leaders.
Myth: You will fight for justice.
>> Truth: God fights our battles for us. Our job is to embody love. Love is what crushes evil, not fighting.
Myth: You are an ascended “master.”
>> Truth: You are a humble servant for the Divine. God will make the last first and the first last.
Myth: You will no longer experience trials once you are healed.
>> Truth: Trials are what mold us. With each healing level you reach, more trials will be added. You will learn how to transmute darkness into light. Trials will not cease, but they will become your training ground. You will see them as blessings, and “pain” will simply become an illusion.
Myth: “Why is God doing this to me?”
>> Truth: He is doing this FOR you.
With Love, Michelle