The Biblical Muse
It’s true that God is always working on everyone’s heart, growing and deepening our understanding of His love. However, Biblical accuracy is that God made Eve when Adam was sleeping, and when He was FINISHED making Eve, He woke Adam up and gave her to him. (Genesis 2:22)
In the season of “single and waiting,” I know the concept that perhaps SHE is the one who isn’t ready yet may feel like a teensy hit to the female ego, but hear me out… God loves His daughters so much that He wants us to be whole in Him before we are in a union (ideally.) Aligning with Him and co-creating your life according to His will is a tremendous act of self-love and independence!
Yes, Biblically speaking, God created a woman to be a man’s perfect helpmate, assisting him in achieving his greatest potential for God’s kingdom. But women are NOT meant to lose themselves and be minimized in their marriage. Quite the opposite!
The Bible gives wives this instruction: Be united with God and allow your husband to OBSERVE this beautiful covenant in order to grow his own faith.
“Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, that if any obey not the Word, they also may be won without the word by the conduct of their wives.”— 1 Peter 3:1 KJV
>> It says without words; with CONDUCT.
Meaning… Eve is Adam’s greatest muse. The way she “helps” him is by inspiring him through the way she lives her own life simply by being. It’s in this divine feminine energy of BEING that masculine energy is motivated in DOING.
Culturally, women have a habit of trying to mold a man to fit into their world, but that is backwards. The “single and waiting” season isn’t to find or mold him, it is to create ourselves! We are supposed to make our own world with God, and when that is complete, a man who is in alignment with US will be woken up.
So, Fems… never down play your role. The truth is that God empowers us to become our absolute greatest all on our own. We weren’t created to serve a man, we were created to serve God. If your divine match is still sleeping (even if you’re already married) consider this precious time for yourself a true blessing! Explore YOU. Grow. Create. Expand. Become.
With Love, Michelle