The Biblically Accurate Meaning of “Holy Fire”
You may have heard the phrase “Holy Fire” used in connection to Christianity, church ceremonies, reiki practices, or other spiritual rituals. But what is it? And what does it represent? Well, that depends on the context and those who are “using” it. Let’s discuss…
In the Bible, God is connected to Holy Fire through one basic act: His presence. When God is present, fire is also witnessed or perceived in the form of real fire, the implied fire of the Holy Spirit being the catalyst and ignition for purification and deliverance from evil, metaphors of fire, and even prophetic fire that has yet to take place.
(The following 6 examples are of some well-known accounts regarding Holy Fire. I encourage you to read each of these stories on your own to fully understand Biblical fire. If you wish to skip these for now, scroll down to “THE CRUX” to continue.)
1. The Holy Spirit Dove of Fire Explained:
Dove— A symbol of peace, gentleness, and purity. The dove appears in the Bible in the story of Noah in the Book of Genesis, and when Jesus was baptized by John, the Holy Spirit descended upon him in the form of a dove.
Fire— A symbol of purification and purging, and the presence of God. In the Acts of the Apostles, the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples on Pentecost in the form of “tongues of fire.”
2. Tongues of Fire Explained:
In the Bible, tongues of fire are a symbol of the Holy Spirit’s presence and the power of speech given to the disciples after Pentecost. In the Book of Acts, the tongues of fire represent the presence of the Holy Spirit and signify gifts that God gave to His followers including:
• The power of speech
• Boldness of utterance
• Persuasiveness
• The ability to speak in various languages
• The ability to preach the Gospel to all nations
3. Examples of Real Fire:
• The burning bush in Exodus 3:2
• Ezekiel’s vision in Ezekiel 1:4
• The pillar of fire in Exodus 14:24
• The appearance of the Lord on Mount Sinai in Exodus 24:16-18
4. Examples of Holy Spirit Ignition Fire:
• Jesus performing baptisms in Matthew 3:11, which says, “baptized by water with the Holy Ghost and with fire.”
• When God is described as “a consuming fire,” in Hebrews 12:29
5. Examples of Fire as a Metaphor for Purification:
• Man’s quality of work being tested by God in 1 Corinthians 3:10-17
• God’s final judgement of each household (the destruction OR deliverance depending on the foundation) in Peter 4:17
6. Examples of Prophetic Fire:
• The “hail and fire mixed with blood,” in Revelation 8:7
• The second coming of Christ in Revelations 19:12 stating, “His eyes were as a flame of fire.”
When we study scripture, we learn that the Biblical meaning of Holy Fire translates to: GOD IS PRESENT. The fire produces: God’s power, healing, guidance, wisdom, purification, gifts, and protection.
If you see the phrase “Holy Fire” connected to ANY spiritual practice, “healing” ritual, or purification ceremony that is NOT invoking the presence of the One true God, YHWH, there is NO Holy Fire present. This means all the aforementioned gifts and powers are also NOT present. Holy Fire IS GOD. If God is NOT present, using the term “Holy Fire” is Biblically incorrect and is a human application born of this world; it is NOT a supernatural occurrence OF God, or an encounter WITH God.
Reiki’s Holy Fire:
Reiki is a popular practice involving energy movement where many practitioners use the title “Holy Fire Reiki Master.” Here is a brief description of reiki’s adaptation on Holy Fire being a mere force of energy:
“Holy Fire” in the context of Reiki refers to a specific type of Reiki energy that is considered to be particularly potent and purifying, with the word “holy” signifying a sense of wholeness and completeness, not necessarily relating to a religious connotation; essentially, it describes the energy as a powerful healing force that can bring about deep transformation and purification, similar to the image of a cleansing fire. –Google
Christian Church and the Absence of Holy Fire:
Regular church services and Christian leaders are not exempt here. There’s a reason that Spirit-led believers have a difficult time finding fellowship in church and that’s because they don’t feel the authentic presence of God when there. Reiki also has very minimal reports of “healing” effects because of this same reason. The honest result is that people aren’t really interested in participating in either, and I get that!
In fact, the reason for this message is that God showed me in meditation the core problem— human beings alone do NOT have Holy Fire in their hands, hearts, minds, or souls when He is excluded. The Lord spoke to me and said, “I am the Fire. People do not create it, possess it, or control it. I do.” If a person puts their hands on you or near you claiming to be embodying or representing the power of Holy Fire, yet God is NOT present, be cautious! While I don’t believe a person who is without Holy Fire could harm you in any way, without God, Holy deliverance, wisdom, and purification would not occur.
My Commitment:
As a servant and messenger of the Most High, my promise to everyone is that my “human” will never boast of fancy titles or claim to be anything more than simply a vessel for God. He uses His true Holy Fire (His Spirit) through me when I write, speak, counsel others, or even perform physical healings which I have done successfully. I yield to God entirely. I am empty of myself when God works through me. If you are suffering with an ailment and are seeking relief from it, please choose an authentic Holy Spirit-led steward, or simply go to God on your own.
Test these methods for yourself! I encourage you to do so as part of your own ascension journey. Try reiki. Try Church. Try having hands invoking the One, true God laid on you. Try eliminating other people altogether. Seek your own personal experiences. Measure the results. Share your findings and testimonies of each!
My goal here was to clarify the Biblically accurate meaning of God’s Holy Fire, which now you know. Go in wisdom, beloved.
Written by Michelle Jean