The Real God

“Transformation” is a broad expression that covers many areas, but let’s start with the most basic form of change: Physical.
When Jesus multiplied the bread and fish, people were transformed from hungry to full. This was an observable, measurable experience. The miraculous multiplying was not an illusion or some metaphysical concept— people’s stomachs went from empty to filled and there were baskets of leftovers!
The real living God moves in our material world all the time. He will support us with real blessings and healing, creating REAL changes across many facets of our lives. Yes, the renewing of our minds, souls, and hearts all have their own beautiful array of transformation analogies and examples, but I chose bread for a reason. It’s tangible. It’s the body. It’s HIS body. It has PROOF attached to it…
“By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also.”— 1 Corinthians 6:14
We live in a culture where most people seem to be more fascinated with magic, aliens, and AI than seeing evidence of the real God. When I hear, “If God is real, then where is He?” I wonder… have you ever genuinely asked Him to reveal Himself to you through physical means? I ask all the time! When I do, He always shows up, and I’m confident He will do the same for you!
Whatever type of religious deity, human mentor, spiritual practice, or doctor that you are pursuing for restoration, it should be completely transforming you with measurable results. If it’s not, try coming into alignment with the Most High God. Yes, He will renew and raise us— from transformation to TRANSFIGURATION. (That’s a topic for a different day.)
Consider opening your heart and asking God to reveal a physical sign of His presence. Wait patiently in faith, with a hopeful heart, and SEE what happens!
With Love, Michelle
Extra: If you want to go down a lovely Spiritual rabbit hole, research the deeper meanings of Biblical bread. It’s God. “Bread” isn’t just bread, after all!