The Self-Exorcism
“When we are faced with a demonic entity in a person, we must not be afraid to face the actual person.” —Michelle ©️Season of the Finch
Ok, but how do we “fight” our own inner demons? By loving ourselves. We must also apply Romans 12:20 when handling the darkness within by always responding with love, rather than anger or hatred. It’s time we redefine this concept and start conquering evil with the supernatural weapon that was designed to snuff it out.
There is no “fight.” Love is a peaceful, flowing, unconditional energy that we should exist in, and operate from at all times. Our protection against demonic forces is love, whether that darkness is coming from another person or from within ourselves. We must never be afraid to face our own inner demons. Each time that we choose to respond to ourselves with love, we’re essentially performing mini self-exorcisms.
Now we understand the Biblical representation of self-love and how important God’s love is for overcoming the sufferings of this world.
~ An Exor-cise ~
Place your hand over your heart and make these affirmations of self-love:
• I am not my past
• I am not what was done to me
• I forgive myself for previous mistakes
• I release what I cannot change
• I embrace all that CAN be improved upon
• I am worthy of giving and receiving love
• I hold my inner childhood wounds with compassionate care, and then release them to move forward
• I release any lingering pain or trauma, and warmly open my heart to allow in healthy connections
• I draw a boundary with God’s loving protection around myself, my home, and my loved ones
• I bind all demonic strongholds within me and around me, and rebuke them in the name of Yeshua
• I am a new creation in Christ
• I am free
Take as long as you need to sit with your affirmations, allowing them to soak into your heart, mind, and soul. YOU are the somebody that you need.
With Love, Michelle
Re-listen to this song as if he is singing it to and for himself… Never give up on your own self-love journey. <3