The Christ
The term “Christ consciousness” was coined by a psychic/clairvoyant in the late 1800’s, early 1900’s. In recent years, it has been gaining popularity among some spiritual communities and used as a generalized concept to describe a “state of being.”
The idea is to model our lives after a collection of well-known spiritual/religious figures throughout history—who were connected to God/source—for inspiration to attain high levels of ascension ourselves referred to as “Christ consciousness.”
What’s the issue? This concept is in DIRECT CONFLICT with the real Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and quite literally opposes who Jesus is, what He represents, and what He teaches according to scripture. Let’s talk about why this is, beginning with the most important explanation…
The Christ:
If “Christ consciousness” is only a state of being, this dethrones Jesus by eliminating the whole purpose for His life and death. There is nothing “Christ-like” about reducing the real Christ to a basic, mortal man who was simply “a good example” to live by. While the “Christ consciousness” crowd is off TRYING to “unlock” higher levels of consciousness through acts or practices, Christians understand that believing in Jesus’ finished work on the cross and asking Him into their hearts are ALL that’s needed for ascension. Living a good life, doing good deeds, and even having a connection to God/source does NOT lead to ascension because it excludes having a personal relationship with the real Christ. We NEED Jesus to be included in the ascension process because He was DESIGNED to be the key that unlocks the door.
Without Jesus, the “Christ consciousness” model can trap a person in an endless loop of trying to attain this “Christ-like” state of being, when the real Christ says to come to Him broken, incomplete, and imperfect. Jesus exists to be THE ascended One to carry our burdens and pain for us— on the Cross. Yes, scripture says to use His life as an example for how to live ours, but this isn’t a direct translation to be “like Him” as if He’s a regular mortal that we can be equal to. We are human; we will never “be” Him. But we’re not SUPPOSED to be! Christians submit to Jesus by recognizing their INABILITY to ever be “the perfect, ascended example,” which GLORIFIES who Jesus is— the perfect example. This completely sets us FREE of trying to attain anything except for a closer relationship with Him.
Furthermore, believing that ascension is found through wisdom of the mind alone and not through a supernatural transformation of the spirit is such an under developed, ego-driven human thing to come up with, and drives a deep wedge between us and the real Christ. If it separates you from God, it’s NOT God.
Now do you see the stark contrast between “Christ consciousness” and accepting the true Christ within us? Understanding that there’s a need for Him to be the main gateway to ascension is what elevates us. Reducing Christ to a simple “state” means that YOU are carrying all your own burdens. You are responsible for your healing. You are your own god. That is the opposite of what scripture teaches. The Christian ascension path doesn’t have “levels of secret knowledge” that we try to access through works, it has relationship building aspects— the relationship we build with the real Jesus Christ!
Other Points:
• Jesus isn’t a human man. He was supernaturally conceived and transfigured in death. This disqualifies Him from being put in the same category as regular humans who were born and died naturally.
• Jesus Christ IS God. No other human religious figure in history claimed to be God except for Jesus.
• If Jesus is deemed as one of the many spiritual/religious figures in history that we consider to be “ascended,” ALL of them would be similar in nature, but they aren’t. Jesus lived a different life than the others. He performed supernatural miracles when they did not, and there are major differences in the things He taught, claimed, proved, and demonstrated. Jesus’ life is vastly different than the other figures.
• The science that proves the physical resurrection which takes place monthly in our bodies through the pathway of Christos oil does not disprove the story of Jesus, it validates Him! God intelligently incorporated the transfiguration into our bodies to further support His design.
The “Christ consciousness” model is directly anti-Christian and anti-the real Jesus Christ of Nazareth. ANY concept that reduces, discredits, undermines, or removes Jesus from its ideology is not Christ-like at all. To those who believe that Christ is a mere state of being, I suggest naming it something else since Christ isn’t part of it. To all those who aren’t sure about any of this, I encourage you to seek the real Christ. Look up some scriptures about His life, read His words, and ask Him to guide you on your journey.
God doesn’t care about how impressive our “ascension” looks— He wants us to come to Him empty and ask Him into our hearts. It’s not called “walking as Jesus,” it’s called “walking WITH Jesus” because He is the living God made flesh.
Written By Michelle Jean