Holy Fire Exorcisms

Meaning: This one scripture holds the instructions on how to use the power of God’s Holy fire on the daily— by responding with love. It’s an example of what every day, real life demonic exorcisms look like. Yes, there are more volatile deliverance circumstances that occur when casting out demons in the name of Yeshua, but those are less frequent.
Application & Testing: When we are faced with a demonic entity in a person, we must not be afraid to face the actual person. If the afflicted is a close loved one, we must not be tempted to react badly when handling their behavior toward us. A stranger on the street may not provoke you that much, but someone close to you will hurt you to the point of feeling hatred or resentment. The devil’s goal is to cause conflict and division, but do NOT take the bait! This is when we truly invoke the Spirit of God to help guide us through these situations. God’s love is what makes darkness flee. (More on this in my next post.)
Holy Fire: The power of authority over demons lies entirely in our GODLY RESPONSE to them. When meditating on this scripture, the Lord spoke to me saying, “In these situations, YOU have the power to either RELEASE the person, or to keep them BOUND.” (Read that again.)
Will your response reflect love or darkness? Do you wish to free them, or get both of you tied up by the devil? People want to claim having power, but these situations are true tests by God to measure how much of His power He can trust us with.
Now you know how to perform demonic exorcisms with God’s Holy Fire. Better still, apply everything written here to the self, and now you understand the Biblically accurate representation of self-love.
Go in wisdom, beloved.
Written by Michelle Jean