Love Potion No. 13
As the heavy wheels of the demonic fear machine slice a deep wound into the hearts of man, I follow right behind it planting healing seeds of love in the tracks. My one mission on this earth is to dismantle the illusions of the enemy and free as many souls as I can. Fortunately, we are blessed with infinite access to the most ancient, Holy elixir that has the power to do this…
Humans have fallen into a feverish obsession trying to search for the perfect formula to love. They have carved into mountains, combed the sea floor, mapped the cosmos, and harvested the chemicals… They gather everything together and conduct endless experiments, continuously mixing potions with these worldly ingredients, yet never find the right combination. As they scribble their recipes into the shifting sand under their feet, the heavy chains of deception drag behind them, erasing every word. At the end of each line, they look back at the landscape and see nothing but sand. And they start again.
Forget all of this and come with me…
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” – 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Love is GOD. There is no secret formula to love to unearth in some hidden cave, behind a mysterious waterfall, or within some alluring chemical equation. The Book of Light contains ALL the spell recipes we’ll ever need, including the one for love. It already exists, and it’s already been refined to perfection. Nothing needs to be added or taken away. God gave us the instructions on love. It’s a design. A medicine. A model. His love is a Spiritual science that transcends all earthly sciences, physical and metaphysical laws, and human mathematics. God is the inventor. The creator. The original alchemist.
God’s love is so potent that I have been asked many times if I’ve cast “some sort of spell” over a person who’s in my presence while I’m under the influence of it. (Spirit.) No. I don’t cast spells like some “basic witch,” I pray Holy, divine prayers to YHWH. His Spirit inhabits me, and I do my best to radiate His unconditional, free flowing, authentic love into the world. Humans aren’t used to God’s supernatural presence, so even “second hand” experiences can feel overwhelming at times.
All the enchanting mysteries of love that our hearts yearn for are found in ONE place— the Bible. Coming into communion with the Most High God and accepting the Holy Spirit to dwell within us is all that’s needed to understand the written language of Biblical scripture. Other ascension means are popular in today’s world, sure. Everything from ingesting ayahuasca and licking frogs, to following astrology and invoking a vague concept of energy that people call “source” or “the universe.” But consider this for a moment…
Stop frolicking through the woods with your crystals, science, and hallucinogens and get NAKED— Spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally naked. Strip down to nothing. Find yourself in the dark of night, completely void of all the “things” you found in this world. Who are you now? Do you still have power without your worldly charms and potions? Do you feel fully clothed, protected, and confident in your prayer-casting power? If the answer isn’t a resounding YES, you have things you need to take off, beloved.
If you want to ascend, seek God with nothing. The ultimate form of ascension is reached when we have ridden ourselves of the elements found in this world. When we are reborn as a Soul, we bring nothing physical with us. Love Potion No. 13 is written in our Spirit; not on paper, not on our skin, not in our charms.
Make a choice to let go of the flesh and transcend into the real, raw, energy of love. Spiritual love doesn’t have to be invented or modified, it already IS, and nothing in this world supersedes it. One step further is sharing this love with brothers and sisters in Christ. An even more profound step is sharing this love with the Kingdom spouse that is designated for us. Personally, I believe that the Holy love of the triple braided cord— Man, Woman, and God is the greatest form of love that we can experience.
If you wish to enjoy authentic, chemically induced love, God covered this in our design as well. The “love drugs,” oxytocin (women) and vasopressin (men), as well as other feel-good chemicals are naturally released when we bond with one another through the Holy Spirit. Once we reach a deep, Spiritual union with God, our personal fellowship time with Him can also produce the same chemicals within us. That is how perfect His alchemy is.
I promise that once you are captivated and taken over by Love Potion No. 13, nothing in this world will ever come close to it. This love will ignite a fire of passionate conviction from deep within. You will be forged into a new creation. You will have become the divine flame of love itself— Holy Fire that can never be extinguished.
Striking the Spiritual Match:
Place both hands on your core and say this prayer out loud…
“Heavenly Father, I come to you in my original form. Stripped of worldly charms. Detoxified of earthly chemicals. Free of deceptive beliefs that I could ever need anything more than You. I want your love to fill every part of me, leaving no room at all. I want to drink from your Holy Chalice of divine love and experience a renewing of my mind, body, heart, and soul. Lord, I ask that you give me access to the endless rivers of wisdom that flow from your Word. Fill me up entirely with your love. Ignite me from within and bring me from death to life with your Holy Spirit. I want to know love. I want to give and receive love without any boundaries or fear. I want to BECOME love. Amen.”
Written by Michelle Jean